Make sales by being authentically you
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People don’t like to be talked into something they don’t need.
However, you can make a sale using honesty and integrity. Your role is to listen, find out what they need, and see if you can help. Are you able to help them achieve a goal? Can you solve a problem? These are reasons you can explain what you do with confidence and enthusiasm.
Setting up the call or meeting.
Schedule 15-30 minutes. Be respectful of their time.
- Research them and get to know what they care about.
- Write down any questions you want to ask.
- Think of examples where you used problem solving to help someone like them.
- Note any questions you think they might have for you.
Make it easy on yourself.
Have your talking points in front of you. If you’re on a video call, you can keep them on your screen to refer to as you talk!
Before the call:
- Inhale. Sit tall and exhale.
- Wear what you feel confident wearing.
- Have some water next to you.
The intro:
- Make sure your technology is working.
- Break the ice and talk about where you’re from.
- Thank them for meeting with you.
The conversation:
- Ask them questions that begin as statements. “Tell me about…”
- Don’t try to make a sale; try to understand the problem and state the solution.
- Talk about how you work and think, starting with any research you do to make decisions.
- Leave space for silence when they are talking, so they can say more.
- Speak with enthusiasm about your work; talk about why you do this!
- If you agree with them about a point, repeat it back so they know you understand.
If any questions come up that you aren’t sure about, tell them you need a moment to think about that. You can also say you’ll look into it and get back to them. Don’t pretend to know the answer when you don’t.
After the meeting:
Email them to say how great it was to meet. Iterate some talking points about what mattered to them and how you would love to help. Write like you’d talk.
If they don’t hire you right away, stay connected. They might need to focus on something else for now. Check in after a few weeks by sending them an article or idea that made you think of them. Even if they don’t hire you, they know who you are if someone needs to!
Keep reading to learn more:
How to get experience when you don’t have any
Writing about yourself in a way that feels organic
Creating a profile that speaks for you
Writing a case study (your secret to showing your work)