Getting experience when you don’t have any experience yet

Are you new to doing the type of work you want to do?
Don’t have experience to put on your profile?
Don't worry! Every expert started somewhere.
If you don’t have experience yet, you have a few options. First, get to truly know your industry. Nowadays, it’s much easier than it sounds. You can find experts speaking on topics you’re interested in. There are always books, webinars, podcast interviews and more!
Define your goals.
To get anywhere, you need to know where you want to go.
Decide on one or two job titles that fit what you want to do for your business. Maybe they are closely aligned and you can offer both! Sometimes the two can enhance each other and make for a very unique offering.
Don’t feel too much pressure. This doesn’t have to be your career forever. However, you need to choose something for a while that you want to put effort into.
Always ask yourself why you want to do this. Don’t try something because it’s a trend. Do it because it supports what you like doing and how you like to work.
Our habits make us who we are.
If you were to paint every day, you'd be seen as a creative person. If you work out every day, you'd be someone who is into fitness. Take this concept and think about what you want to do. How can you make your habits support your goals?
Surround yourself with what you want to learn. Make it a habit to learn more each day, even if it’s listening to a podcast episode when you have coffee. This can even help you decide if it's right for you.
When you make learning a habit, you’ll hear the concepts you need to know to do well. When you understand your work, you’ll be able to explain it to others. When you explain it well to others, you'll get hired.
When you learn something, teach it to others.
You can do this in places like professional social media groups or by writing articles. This will build your own confidence and show prospective clients what you can do. Share your own journey if you think it might help!
Ready for a project?
Make sure you are working on things that align with the type of work you want to do.
What you show is what people will hire you to do.
Try for a goal of at least 3 projects with case studies and testimonials for your profile. If you don’t have those yet, you can still keep your profile simple and share it. A simple profile can include information about you and the work you offer.
Here are some ideas for first projects:
- Consider offering your service for free to friends in exchange for testimonials
- Volunteer at a nonprofit to get a feel for what it’s like to work on a team
- Challenge yourself to do an online challenge if you can find one, then share it with experts in your field
Even when you feel confident about your skills, keep learning! Talk to other professionals in your industry and keep growing.
Keep reading to learn more:
Seeing value in your work