Writing to sell

Clients hire problem solvers.
Your service packages are a great place to describe this. What you're selling helps them solve a need to meet their own goals.
Show you understand the problem and can solve it.
We’ve talked a lot about building your brand, knowing your why, and adding personality. These are all important when it comes to writing an about section.
When it comes to selling a service, you’ll need to shift how you write. Pretend for a moment that you need to hire an email copywriter and you’ve landed on their website.
Which phrase makes you want to use their service?
- I am the best at writing emails.
- Sell more products with entertaining emails people won’t delete.
- Need someone to do the writing for you? Get the emails that do the selling for you.
Most likely you chose 2 or 3. That's because 1 is not focused on the customer.
Make your services about them, not you.
Who will your customer be when they work with you? What will they be able to do thanks to hiring you?
Here are some ways to shift your writing:
- Use "you" more than the word "I" when describing a service package.
- Begin sentences with "grow", "sell", or other action words.
- Ask questions, make sure the answer is an obvious yes!
- Don’t use too many long words or sentences. Make it easy to skim.
- Think about their concerns and ease their fears as you write. What would make them unsure about hiring someone to do this?
- Talk about any extras that make your service unique and worth the investment.
Keep learning and talking to people who fit your ideal customer. You can even watch what they talk about online in groups or blogs. Once you know what they need to solve for, you have a viable service.
Understand what matters to your client and you can understand how to make a sale.
Keep reading to learn more: